Head lice and Nits treatment is a concern for individuals and families, especially those with young children at school.
So what is the best approach to head lice treatment?
The head lice and nit shampoo and lotion manufacturers will say that their own head lice removal product is quick, easy and, most importantly, safe to use.
Before you embark on any course of head lice action, make your own mind up by checking out the commercial head lice manufacturers claims against those giving alternative effective methods to remove head lice and nits.
Also, check out how head lice really live and a why some treatment chemicals just will not clear them anymore.
In this way, you can use your head to make a more informed choice for head lice treatment.
Feel free to explore the links provided before you decide on the best approach to take to treat and remove head lice and kill nits.
Our recommended book gives you an effective guide to get rid of your head lice and nits naturally and quickly.
Click here to download your copy of: